FLATLAND is pleased to invite you for the show ‘KIM’, the first solo exhibition by the artist Kim Boske (Netherlands, 1978). On this occasion Boske wants to challenge the way we look at the horizon – which is also called ‘Kim’ in Dutch, by shifting the focal point from singular to multiple.

Surrounded by her works and accompanied by a soundscape, the pace doesn’t follow the usual rush we all know so well. Guided by the fascination over the passing of time and how this affects the natural element, Boske crafts poetic collections of instants, where the attention shifts on the process rather than the final outcome, on the becoming rather than the being. The philosopher Deleuze and the theory introduced in his ‘Rhizome’ serve here as the ideological ground on which the foundation of Boske’s practice is based. Rather than sequencing history into a straight narration of facts, the Rhizome presents it as a map of attractions, a living mnemonic system which resists chronology and ramifies like a root structure.

For the exhibition, Kim worked with electronic music producer and sound designer NAKANO BLU. The idea behind the collaboration was to create an atmosphere that immerses the viewer into a synaesthetic experience made of sound and visual fragments. By translating Boske’s technique of visual assemblage into a sonic composition, NAKANO BLU combined the recordings collected by Kim during her production process.